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Weapon Clashes occur in both installments of the No More Heroes video game series when protagonist Travis Touchdown's beam katana clashes with an enemy's weapon when the player performs a slash. They can be successfully won by "tracing" an on-screen circle using the Wii Remote, which results in knocking back the enemy, leaving them briefly stunned; winning Weapon Clashes against weaker enemies will result in entering Death Blow mode. Failing to win a Weapon Clash results in the former for Travis, where he will be knocked back and stunned briefly.

There are two instances in the No More Heroes series where a weapon clash that is impossible to win occurs. These are in the battle with Jeane, where the weapon clash at the end of the battle triggers the post-battle cutscene, and in the first part of the three-tier battle with Jasper Batt, Jr., where a weapon clash with Batt's flying car triggers the entrance of Henry.

Failing a clash against a ranked opponent in No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle triggers a special animation from the enemy; each has its own animation.

  • Skelter Helter - Slashes Travis with his sword before firing multiple rounds at him.
  • Nathan Copeland - Knocks Travis to the ground with a powerful punch.
  • Charlie MacDonald - N/A
  • Kimmy Howell - Kicks Travis in the crotch.
  • Matt Helms - Knocks Travis down with his axe, then jumps on top of him, crushing Travis under his rear.
  • Cloe Walsh - Pins Travis to the ground before kissing him, breathing poison down his throat. Deals extremely heavy damage.
  • Dr. Letz Shake - N/A
  • Million Gunman - Grabs Shinobu by the neck and pistol whips her several times.
  • New Destroyman - Pins Shinobu to the ground, punching her in the face multiple times.
  • Ryuji - Delivers a brutal slash to Travis.
  • Mimmy - N/A
  • Margaret Moonlight - Flings Travis into the air with her scythes before shooting him multiple times in midair.
  • Captain Vladimir - Presses a button on his chest, causing Travis to be lifted into the air, thrown around, and then slammed back into the ground.
  • Alice Twilight - Impales Travis with one of her beams, then smashes him into the ground.
  • Jasper Batt, Jr. - Phase 1 - Runs over Travis with his car at full speed. Phase 2 - Knocks Travis to the ground with a powerful punch. Phase 3 - Smashes Travis with the giant hand of his parade float.